Product range

If you wish for a more specific product, please get in touch.

Our products

View our range of products below, then click them to view our sizes and to make an enquiry.

We offer a range of corrugated cardboard boxes in different sizes and strengths.

Leeds Packaging provide a selection of pallet stretch wrap in different sizes, strengths and colours.

Our range of bubblewrap has a variety of different lengths and bubble size, large and small bubble.

We supply clear, brown and specialist adhesive tapes.

For that added protection, we offer a variety of sizes in corrugated cardboard rolls.

Securing your shipment is vital, so we offer a range of strapping to suit your needs.

Important info

Leeds Packaging do not offer our products to be bought online, and as in most businesses, prices can vary depending on quantities. All of our products listed are in stock, please do not hesitate to enquire with us regarding any products that you are interested in and we will send over quotes as quickly and efficiently as we can.

Thank you